Saturday, January 12, 2013

Conscious Ascension: Soul Healing and our Earth Human Form Weekly Comment January 2013

For years I have been guiding those I work with, to be truly divinely self empowered. Typically I do not give messages in the typical way. I guide those I work with to be self empowered so they can get to the point when they can get their own True healing comes from our own thoughts, emotions and beliefs. When we are ready to clear these related energetic patterns fully, we move forward from our old repeating experiences into the new. Often expanding into the unknown is unsettling for a majority of the earth human population. Fear, and other non supportive emotions and thoughts creep in, until you get used to it and this reaction can become minimal or end all together. Healing from the most persistent and repeating patterns are often from past life issues and relationships that you currently have again with the same souls. You have to remember you are only responsible for your own part within each relationship and they are responsible for their own. I have seen several clients that insist on wanting to help their family members that choose to hold onto their own old patterns, and my clients love them, and want to do it for them. This causes problems for themselves. It has to be remembered that each one of us have to let them go. It is our family members, friends, etc have their own lessons to learn even if they have no idea about it.

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